I have a made a “working” Stargate model from the SG1 TV-show. It spins, the chevrons move and lights up and when a correct address is dialled, the wormhole is established. The wormhole is an infinity mirror effect. The stargate is controlled with a DHD. You can check out the video presentation of the Stargate in action here:
Here is a video showing one Stargate dialing another Stargate
I like 3d printing, electronics, programming and making stuff. I also enjoy the Stargate TV-series and decided to make a “working” model of the stargate as seen in the TV-show.
This was a challenging and fun project and I had to learn a lot of new stuff. This has been a very time-consuming project. There are a few variations of Stargates used in the show and I chose to make the original one from the SG1 series. There are also several logical “glitches” in the technical workings of the gate as seen in the TV show and it even behaves differently in different episodes. I have made it work as best I can while staying as true as possible to the feeling and essence of the TV-Show.

- A fully interactive working Stargate complete with a DHD (Dial Home Device).
- The Stargate ring spins and places the dialled symbol on the correct chevron as the traveller is inputting the address by using the DHD.
- All 7 chevrons move and lights up when engaged.
- The Stargate can dial any milky-way address used in the show.
- NEW: The stargate can now dial other stargates over the Internet, and receive incoming wormholes from other stargates on the Internet.
- When a correct address is input using the DHD, the wormhole is established.
- The wormhole effect consists of a animated infinity mirror of 122 LED’s.
- Complete with sound effects from the TV Show.
- When the wormhole stays open, selected random audio clips from the TV-Show is played.
- As in the TV-Show the wormhole can stay open for 38 minutes. When the time limit is reached, a random quote from the show where the time limit is mentioned is played and the wormhole disengages.
- Do not dial the black hole.
- The Stargate itself is about 39 cm in diameter.
Want to know how it’s all put together? Find out more about the Stargate here, and the DHD here.
Questions or comments?
Have you got any questions or comments related to this project? Feel free to use the form below. The form is moderated, and your comment will not appear to the world until it is approved. Would you rather want to contact me directly? You can reach me at kristian@thestargateproject.com
Hi Kristian,
I would like to know where i can download the files again.
My files are from 2022 and has for what i know v3.2
There was/is a option to install a sensor on the dialing ring, but the files only show to print the support.
So, is there a newer version and/or where can i download it again in case of a lost.
Thank you,
Ronny Verminck (Roverius)
Hi Ronny,
You can download the files again when you are logged in at thestargateproject.com
Alternately you can also redownload the files from the link you got in the email when you bought the files.
If you cannot log in, or find the link in your email, you can send me an email, and I can reply with your link.
There is no newer version than v3.2. At the moment, that is the newest version. The homing sensor for the dialling ring was/is supposed to be supported by using the mainboard that Jon was making. Though it never (or not yet maybe?) got released.
Hi Kristian,
i had never print ABS or ASA, not sure that will work with my printer. i have a new Resin Printer (Saturn from Elegoo), will this Work?
The Partlist, some parts links are not longer correct. is there a excat description to find a alternative part?
Can i geht one large .stl Part to test my printer?
Thanks for help.
Greetings Andreas
Hi Andreas,
You do not need to print in ABS or ASA. Most people use PLA to print their stargates. Some builders also use resin printers. It’s up to what you think is best for your build.
For sourcing components for the build, I recommend asking on the discord server. If you have not yet joined, send me an email, and I’ll get you the link.
I might be able to set you up with a part for testing your printer if you want. But you could use any part for that. There are many “stress testing” objects or calibration objects you can download and print to test your printer.
wow, great Job!
one question:
is the Project still alive?
can i Order the stl-parts and so on today?
is it posible to get a build-plan or something, as PDF, to see If i could handle that build before i spend Money?
greetings Andreas
Hi Andreas,
The project is still very much alive.
There is no extra build-plan. But the information on the site should suffice, in addition to the assembly video. Also, there is an active discord server with a lot of useful information and helpful people.
If you want to check out the discord server prior to starting with the project, send me an email and I’ll get you sorted.
raspberry pi pico is good ?
The Pico is very good. But it will not work as a replacement for the Raspberry pi in this project, if that is what you are wondering..
For anyone that does make it here and REALLY wants a gate- but you have 0 3D-printing, electronic, wiring experience- that was me back in 2022 and with help from the Discord and John was a HUGE help, (he sold me all the odd parts). I now have two Stargates (one of each style) and they are just as awesome as you think they are. I also have 7 3D-printers now but never mind that… Stargates are cool! Go build one- so much cooler then buying one.
Glad to hear the Pegasus gate project is still ongoing-!
Built mine a few years ago now thanks to John and Kristian- and all the Discord peeps too!
It’s been in a box for the last year or so, working but at 85/90%. Still need to install the chevron motors but it still impresses everyone I show.
I was wondering if the Atlantis gate project ever got going again? Would love a new project lol!
Hi Jeff
The Pegasus gate has been gaining some momentum lately. It is still a lot of work left before it is ready. But it is progressing a bit every week.
I can explain the theory of operation for a working one but its really easy to get lost if you build it John,
Can your files be scaled up for building a full size replica? I’d like to use a CNC router on wood.
Hi Felix.
I have no experience with a CNC router, and have no idea. I would love to see it if it’s doable.
I bought the model, but it seems as if a connector in the inner ring between 4 and 5 is missing from the downloaded files, where can I find it?
Hi Stephan.
Thanks for reaching out.
The connector (the tip that goes into the part by its side) is actually not missing but omitted by design. The connector would interfere with how the inner ring connects to the back ring, and is therefore omitted. Also, if you have not yet joined the discord server, it is highly recommended for questions like this. 🙂
It would be even cooler if U could use it as a video phone…
Remove the Goauld symbols, put letters and numbers and make this a videocall device!
Where can I get one just like this?
if possible I’d like to place an order for 2 of these. how much are you asking for?
yer I fell for that scam to.. indeed! well if there’s a proper one for sale I’d love to get my hands on one.
information ples
How much is this. I tried to buy something like this. But it was a scam. I was luck i didn’t lose money. CAN you please get back to me. Thank you.